To do this I typed
To do this I clicked the copy button in github for the ssh link.
I pasted the ssh link into the with git clone.
git clone<enter>
To do this ls to make sure I had knew which was the bash file for lab7 and then ran with it with bash.
To do this I first needed to enter the code which can be done with the program vim that we learned in class. I also remembered that I could use tab to finish the rest of existing files to quicken the process.
vim Lis<tab>.j<tab><enter>
To edit the text, while still in normal mode I pressed shift G to move to the end of the file and then k to move up towards the line that needed to be checked.
once the cursor was where I wanted i pressed r and then “replaced” the ‘1’ in index1 to ‘2’ so that it becomes index2.
then I exited with the save and quit command
As I already ran the bash earlier I pressed up arrow to get there, however as I entered vim a number of times the numbers represent a higher amount if you look at the number$:. Also interesting enough vim is considered different commands from vim
Ie vim
To do this I first added the file with the git add command I then checked with git status to make sure it was in
git add Lis<tab><enter>
git status<enter>
Once I was certain it was added I did the commit modified command with git commit -m with “Bug Fixed”. Then checked with git status again.
git commit -m "Bug Fixed"<enter>
git status<enter>
Finally sure it used the push command to add it to the github.
git push<enter>